your preaching to the choir here, us lgbt people know that human sexuality and attraction is widely varied and complex so why do you always list that super long extensive list of things like your trying to be politically correct and check off every box in your comment to make sure everyone is included? i find your answers to usually be quite insightful and well thought out and i enjoy reading your takes on things, I just wish I didn’t have to mentally parse through half of what you are typing in order to get to the meat of what it is your trying to say. in so many of your comments you post the same copy and paste line about the romantic and sexual spectrum where you list that long ass list of things like romantic leanings and sexual desires and paraphilias etc. but most times dude I’m sorry to say that as much as I enjoy hearing your thoughts on things, I get irritated by how you say them. I always enjoy reading your comments and I actively look for them on some articles because I enjoy hearing your opinions on things since they are usually well thought out and thought provoking. Know this is gonna come across as a salty comment but I genuinely don’t mean for it to be.